We perform body scans to check the health of your organs
Out treatment is more affordable than conventional medicine
We offer home made recipes for certian conditions
Our treatment is 100% Herbal
Using the Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyser body scan machine we help you discover
the health status of your internal body organs.
Discover any hidden malfunctions of your internal body organs. We also provide recommendations
on the herbal remedies provided by Green World to assist in repairing
and restoration of your body organs to normal health.
Green World health independent distributor and
health consultant Noah Nkiwane is trained and experienced
to recommend the suitable Green World products,
that will assist your body to
rejuvenate from sub health status back to optimum health.
DocGreen Herbal operates under the auspices of
Noah Nkiwane an Independent Distributor
of Green World International.
Here is an opportunity to change your life for the better
and achieve your dreams. Join us and become an independent distributor.
What are you waiting for Call or WhatsApp,
or fill out the form below.
DocGreen Herbal is a part of Molnark Global Group (Pty)
Ltd which was founded and registered as a company in 2013.
Happy Clients
We have had a great reception from our local community.
Quality Ensured
Our products are 100% natural, our services are reputable.
The contents of this website are entirely of the owner of the website and not necessarily those of Green World International.
DocGreen Herbal